Islamic Blogger Template: Ka'bah Night

Internet is fun and blogging is fascinating creative. I had several cross stitch patterns that had been transformed from hand written paper into PDF format lately, but it need some times before my sister Wein finished checking them and I could share them here. Since she was busy in mom's routines (moreover, one of her daughters was in East Java province to have her education in Muslim school there), I thought it will take at least couple of days before she gave me back the checked patterns. Nah, waiting for the patterns, I learnt to modify the template of this blog. As you may aware, before I changed the head section, this blog took forever to load on your browser,
especially MSIE (any version). That was because I carelessly added many scripts that contradicted to each other. Wheew, alhamdulillah it was resolved.
Well, everything has its good side [SMILE]. I was really into template modification after read this guy's tutorials. Result of my experiments were not only better display and quicker loading time of this blog and its sister, but several modifications of Blogger's Minima template. Since I didn't have idea to use them on my blogs (at least for now), and it's too bad if the templates just being abandoned, I shared one of them here. If you readers like this, I plan to share other templates occasionally.
I called it Ka'bah Night template, the screenshot was above, on top of this posting. To me, this new baby looked beautiful, and I hope you are agree with that [GRIN]. If you want to use it, check the links below to find out further:

source :

2 komentar:

hi there, Assalaamu'allaikum.
im surprised to have this re-posted, thank you! JazaakAllaahu Khairan... If you like, I have new Free Islamic blogger template at Free Blogger Template for Ramadan. Check it out, it's full compatible with the new Blogger template Designer :)


hi there, Assalaamu'allaikum.
im surprised to have this re-posted, thank you! JazaakAllaahu Khairan... If you like, I have new Free Islamic blogger template at Free Blogger Template for Ramadan. Check it out, it's full compatible with the new Blogger template Designer :)


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